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Vivian Phillips

In 1990, Carl Mack had a vision to create a Black Heritage Day calendar. For those of us familiar with Carl Mack, we know that he has had many visions and brought them to fruition. Fast forward to 2024, and Mack has brought to life the latest iteration of the Black Heritage Day calendar features 366 days of extraordinary Black women!


Carl Mack is well known to those in the Pacific Northwest for his vocal and bold activism. As the outspoken President of the Seattle Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, (NAACP), Mack an engineer by trade, doubled the membership rolls of the organization. He can be credited as someone who during his tenure with the NAACP, pushed to improve communication between the Seattle Police Department and community, and for his push toward increased accountability from local school districts on closing achievement gaps for black and brown students.


The passion Mack has exhibited for Black culture and heritage has shown up in the calendars he has produced. Having felt a level of regret for not including enough women in his previous calendar, Mack recalls the words of Malcolm X, “The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.” 


Black Heritage Day V is Carl’s tribute to the Black women who lead in a multitude of capacities. His dedication to honoring Black women is also reflected in the choice of childhood friend and Mississippi artist, author, painter, chef, and tastemaker Deborah L. Hunter to design the cover image titled "Triumph." Hunter was featured in where you can glimpse some of her gorgeous art and scrumptious recipes. 


From cover to cover, Black Heritage Day V provides one of the most, if not the most comprehensive listing of Black women ever assembled. From well-known individuals the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Beyoncé, Shirley Chisholm, and Maya Angelou, to lesser-known trailblazers like the first Black female weathercaster in America, St. Louis’ Diane White Clatto, and Ruth Carol Taylor the first Black flight attendant who after being rejected by TWA Airlines in 1957 boarded the regional Mohawk airlines in 1958.


What Carl Mack has proven is that Black women have a place in our history and our present existence, 365 days a year, with a little extra as well. His calendars are great teaching tools, as well as timeless learning opportunities to get to know more about the Black women who have helped to shape our world. Thank you Carl!

Black Heritage Day Women Desktop calendar image
Image of the calendar cover with art by Deborah L. Hunter










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